“My friend posted on social media that he found a dog dumped off on the side of the road by his farm. I messaged him to see if I could come meet the little dog, as he was trying to figure out what to do with her. I went out to his farm and there I met the most scared little pup who hesitantly climbed on my lap and cuddled up to me. I knew then I wanted to do everything I could to help her!
I encouraged my friend to take her to Lawrence Humane to be scanned for a microchip and be put on a stray hold to possibly find her owners if she was lost. I asked if LHS could contact me first to foster her if nobody came in and claimed her. As soon as the stray hold was up, she went into surgery to be spayed. About a week later, they called me and said she was ready to go to a foster home! I went to pick the sweet little thing up from the shelter and made a nice area in my spare bedroom while she could get acclimated and my cat could get used to her scent.

The journey was just beginning for Cricket (her new name) and I! I knew it was going to take time, patience, and a whole lot of love to get this scared little dog to trust me and to feel more comfortable and confident. Slowly but surely, I integrated my dog and cat. During the day, Cricket accompanied me to teach my virtual dance classes at my studio. I didn’t realize it then, but Cricket was really helping me get through the quarantine. Not having any family nearby and having my business take a huge hit due to COVID was really weighing on my own mental health. I stopped worrying so much about all that was happening because I had Cricket to take care of.
Fast forward 10 days when LHS called me and asked if I was ready to either adopt her or put her up for adoption, I decided to sign the papers to make Cricket forever part of my family. Her journey to living her best life didn’t stop there. We still had a lot of work to do to help with confidence. I reached out to Sunflower Canine for private lessons and I am so impressed with her transformation!
Adopting a dog wasn’t something I planned for but it was something that I am extremely grateful for. The saying “who saved who?” is truly our story and we are so thankful for Lawrence Humane Society for helping make it happen.
– Rachel